Engine Repairs

CFM56 Family Engine Repairs

In our dedicated CFM56-family engines workshop we provide engine repair services, all driven by providing high-quality solutions for your needs. Our focus is set on quick turnaround time to minimize aircraft downtime and reduce operational costs.

Hospital repair targeted approach allows for efficient problem-solving while keeping the engine largely intact. If your engines require top or bottom case repair or the replacement of key components such as the Combustion Chamber, HPT Shrouds, HPT NGVs, LPT Stage 1 NGVs, or HPT Blades, you can turn to us.

Looking to defer a major shop visit? Our maintenance services enable you to extend engine life, providing an efficient and cost-effective alternative.

What can we do for you?

  • Replacement of Fan and booster shop module and 1-2 BRG support shop module;
  • Top/Bottom Case, Bushing replacement
  • LPT MM replacement or partial repair of LPT MM
  • Replacement of LPT shaft, BRGs 4-5
  • LPT Stg.1 Nozzle / HPT Shroud replacement
  • HPT Blades replacement
  • HPT Nozzles replacement
  • Combustion Chamber replacement
  • Main gearboxes replacement
  • Preservation restoration WS

See Full Capabilities List


Engine Field Support

Upon request, the Magnetic Engines team can provide engine on-wing and in-field support, flying to customer locations with the necessary tooling. 

This enables efficient on-site maintenance, minimizing downtime. Get in touch and let’s discuss. 

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