Engine In-Field Repair Services
At Magnetic Engines, we offer on-wing and in-field engine support. Upon request, our expert team will travel to your location to perform precise needed work directly on-site.
While our dedicated engine workshop is based in Tallinn, Estonia, our team is ready to mobilize quickly. Equipped with all the necessary tooling and expertise, we bring mobile engine services right to your doorstep.

Our in-field support is delivered by highly skilled professionals with over 235 years of combined technical experience, ensuring top-tier service wherever you are.
What can we do for you?
In-field engine maintenance support services can be a convenient solution, enabling:
- efficient on-site engine maintenance;
- minimized need for aircraft or engine relocation;
- cost savings with minimum work scope;
- focus on a targeted approach;
- short turnaround time.
Minimal downtime is achieved, with your aircraft flying again as soon as possible.

Contact Us For More
With Magnetic Engines, you can rely on efficient and precise services tailored to your specific needs.
Contact us today to discuss how we can support your engine maintenance needs. Wherever you are.